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Topsoil Pile


Unlimited Availability

Farm Location:  Taylorsville, KY

This topsoil, comes from the same quality deposits as our processed topsoil and soil, but it does not go through a screening and sizing process. It is extracted from the Nolin Silt Loam. Nolin Silt is graded by USDA to be, “Prime Farmland” and of the highest quality possible. Waypoint analytical & Nutrien Ag Solutions test results provide further proof of the high quality of our soil.


Topsoil Screener

Processed Topsoil

Coming Soon

Farm Location:  Taylorsville, KY

This high quality topsoil comes from the Nolin Loam topsoil, which is some of the most fertile soil deposits anywhere in the U.S. It has been screened to remove all contaminants like large chunks of hard dirt, sticks, and rocks. It can be easily spread with a rake.


Self-compacting Clay

Unlimited Availability

Farm Location:  Taylorsville, KY

Cohesive soils, like clay, are dense and tightly bound together. T&E Topsoil Farm can supply unlimited quantities of the highest quality clay for your next commercial or industrial construction project. Our clay, a favorite of Geotechnical Engineers throughout Kentucky, is extracted from the Newark Silt Loam. It is an excellent choice for retaining ponds and embankment fills.